GLAS tools: VPA Binoculars Questions
Use this tool to help unlock visions and the future. You can use it alone, but it has most value when you use it with others (in your team, business, project etc)
print out a sheet per person
if you’re facilitating, ask everyone to agree what the image shows (e.g. ‘can we all agree that we see there is a boy with binoculars?)
everyone fills in their answers independently
now ask each person in turn to share what they wrote for question 1
repeat this for the following 5 questions
now facilitate an open conversation about the variety of answers and why they saw what they saw
finally, you can take a blank image sheet and ask everyone what they would ideally like to collectively see - for the business / project / team etc. This allows you to embed an agreed “vision” and design your approach deliberately. By considering what people’s questions are for the project, business etc - it allows an openness and sharing.
If you’re interested in having someone facilitate the VPA process, please get in touch with the GLAS team
Use this tool to help unlock visions and the future. You can use it alone, but it has most value when you use it with others (in your team, business, project etc)
print out a sheet per person
if you’re facilitating, ask everyone to agree what the image shows (e.g. ‘can we all agree that we see there is a boy with binoculars?)
everyone fills in their answers independently
now ask each person in turn to share what they wrote for question 1
repeat this for the following 5 questions
now facilitate an open conversation about the variety of answers and why they saw what they saw
finally, you can take a blank image sheet and ask everyone what they would ideally like to collectively see - for the business / project / team etc. This allows you to embed an agreed “vision” and design your approach deliberately. By considering what people’s questions are for the project, business etc - it allows an openness and sharing.
If you’re interested in having someone facilitate the VPA process, please get in touch with the GLAS team
Use this tool to help unlock visions and the future. You can use it alone, but it has most value when you use it with others (in your team, business, project etc)
print out a sheet per person
if you’re facilitating, ask everyone to agree what the image shows (e.g. ‘can we all agree that we see there is a boy with binoculars?)
everyone fills in their answers independently
now ask each person in turn to share what they wrote for question 1
repeat this for the following 5 questions
now facilitate an open conversation about the variety of answers and why they saw what they saw
finally, you can take a blank image sheet and ask everyone what they would ideally like to collectively see - for the business / project / team etc. This allows you to embed an agreed “vision” and design your approach deliberately. By considering what people’s questions are for the project, business etc - it allows an openness and sharing.
If you’re interested in having someone facilitate the VPA process, please get in touch with the GLAS team