so you want to sort your own sh*t?


Oh how we wish more people were like you, and realised that this is the perfect place to get a gold star!

the often ignored fact is that each of us is the common theme to our sh*T.

Now, many people that do subscribe to the School of ‘I need to get my SH*T together’, have previously spent years trying a heap-load of other stuff first. They’ve read most self-help books - obviously including Start with Why - dipped into Brene Brown (lucky Brene!), have likely searched a forest for ‘their greater purpose’, received endless advice from their mates in the pub and have generally been going round in circles. They are, however, experts in ‘plate spinning’, world-class at living ‘life on a treadmill’, amazing at scrolling through all the ‘perfect people’ on the socials, and gold medalists in ‘beat yourself up over small sh*t’.

So let’s try something new: step away from the books, pause the treadmill and let’s unpack the real sh*t, together. Interested?

Take the GLAS Understanding Assessment and see what your ‘balance’ score is!



Gaining an awareness of how we feel in the first step in understanding what's going on for us. Try this very quick questionnaire for free and receive a report with a breakdown of how balanced and aligned your sh*t really is at the moment.