how much clarity do you have?

How deliberate are you about leading?

The way in which we lead ourselves will determine how we lead everything else. How deliberate we are in our self leadership will determine our future journey.
— Dani Saveker

GLAS leading
- the assessment

We have found, through a great deal of research, that many people lack clarity and struggle with direction in life, business and relationships. People feel chaotic and / or that the vision they have is unrealistic.

We also know that there is little point in asking you “how are you leading your life?” because there isn’t a simple answer.

In addition to this, the understanding of what LEADERSHIP means, is a stumbling block too. Within the GLAS Method we refer to leadership as a personal alignment between who you are - through the 5 elements - to your purpose.

Gaining an awareness of how we feel in the first step in understanding what's going on for us. This version of our GLAS Assessment focuses on how we lead our lives


Deliberate leadership

It’s amazing how many books have been written about leadership and yet, many people make the assumption that leading is about how we lead others - in sport, business and in the world. Let’s start by getting clear on what we mean by “leading” before we look at leadership. The word “LEAD” means “to guide," and is from the Old English lædan which translates as: "cause to go with oneself; march at the head of, go before as a guide, accompany and show the way; carry on; sprout forth, bring forth; pass (one's life)".

So in summary, we will define its meaning as: “to go forwards, starting with ourself”. This fits beautifully with the GLAS ‘leadership’ Element.

Why would we be happy to heave the direction we’re heading in to chance? This is why we encourage people to become DELIBERATE LEADERS of their lives.

Within the Leadership Element, we have 5 specific components that all contribute to how we lead. The Leading Assessment takes you through each of these components to identity which are balanced and which may be imbalanced - and how they are imbalanced.

Quantifying “clarity”

The assessment is an online scoring process which is quick to complete. It’s a valuable step in truly understanding Leadership in a much more meaningful way. From here, the GLAS family will create a brief, and complimentary, report. It will show you where you are right now.

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