dani saveker



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INSPIRE is my personal purpose and my focus each and every day - as an entrepreneur, a mother, a friend and as a human. For many years I felt lost, busy being manic and “stuck in doing”. I allowed myself to be defined externally; by results, what others thought of me and my family’s business. These formed my identity, my purpose, my relationships, what I did and how I interacted with the world. When the business was gone I was forced to change things. I developed GLAS to help me. I then used this to help others.

“I realised that the lessons of yesterday shape the dreams of tomorrow and opportunities of today.”


what inspires me



I love to inspire people through sharing stories of: family businesses, family offices, the GLAS framework, diversity, manufacturing, kindness, leadership and many more topics.

I’ve spoken as a keynote at international events and have given numerous interviews across all media platforms.


Writing was something that started later for me - mainly after closing our family business. It was a cathartic and useful way to express my feelings.

The story of closing Savekers was probably my first and most significant piece, but continues in my weekly newsletter “Wednesday LEAPS” and regular articles.



Kindness is a key area in the GLAS framework, but in 2016 it became an area I chose to focus on and develop more understanding on. My month-long project developed into years of kindness. In 2018 I launched the Inspire Kindness movement - when I reached my 1000th day. I now speak and give regular interviews and comments on the subject.



My formal education focused on design and marketing - with a strong emphasis on psychology. After closing the family business I had the time to get into reading amazing non-fiction books and began to capture a book in a one page visual. This is something I still do for research - and my own sanity!